HVAC&R: Synonymous of Business Internationalization

Provided that it was needed, Chillventa 2018 increased the visibility of our market worldwide as witnessed by, among others, the participation of famous players such as China (present in 3 pavilions), South Korea, Turkey and Thailand.

 Andrea Geymet

HVAC&R: an Industry Sector that Makes Little News about Itself, in Italy as well as Abroad

How many, among common citizens, have heard about HVAC&R? Few. How many of these could explain what it is, what do these letters represent? Very few

 Andrea Geymet

Controlled Temperature: New Frontiers at the Service of Development

We are used to imagine technological innovation in the IT sector and in the various players of the Silicon Valley. Nothing further from the truth: now, even philanthropist leader Bill Gates pursues new solutions for temperature control.

 Andrea Geymet

Digitization: How Do Temperature-Regulating Technologies Change

Industry 4.0, domotics, internet of things and 5G. We are not thinking about a distant future, rather about products that will arrive in our homes, our supermarkets and our offices by 2020 (if they haven’t arrived already). But what do they promise?

 Andrea Geymet

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