Italian HVAC&R Group ‘Unione del Caldo e del Freddo Green’ Growing and Gaining Importance

Italian HVAC&R Group ‘Unione del Caldo e del Freddo Green’ Growing and Gaining Importance 

  Riccardo Tigani (General Manager at Linea3C Srl) |  Linkedin Page    14/11/2022

On the social channels of several Italian companies dealing with heat and cold, there is a document addressed to Italian and European politics in which, referring to the F-Gas Regulation that is taking shape now, the signatory companies underline the need for a political action that focuses on certain priorities.

These priorities reflect an action both in the common interest of civil society and the environment, ensuring the use of efficient and sustainable technologies, and in the particular interest of the Italian cold and heat economy which sees global players, who put all their innovative strength on sustainable technologies.

The priorities on which the document calls for political action are the following:

  • Definition of a national plan for the decarbonisation of refrigeration and heating, by converting the older and highly impacting plants with more sustainable and non-climate-changing gas plants;
  • Promotion of technologies for refrigeration, air conditioning, heating and heat pumps with natural refrigerants;
  • Extension of the use of natural gas also to the temperature-controlled transport sector;
  • Strengthening of the fight against the illegal trade in synthetic gases, which are highly climate-altering;
  • Training of technicians and operators in the sector able to operate also with natural gas.
The Italian companies that are making these requests are part of the Unione del Caldo e del Freddo Green, a working group born spontaneously in November 2021 during the Refrigera fair in Bologna. The initial eight companies are now 14 and others are in the process of joining them. They are Italian companies known globally for the quality of their products and for the strong innovative drive that today they are concentrating precisely on highly efficient solutions and natural refrigerants.

As already indicated, among these instances, there is the training of technicians and operators in the sector which is recognized as a real bottleneck in the diffusion of technologies with natural refrigerants, especially now where the demand for these technologies is increasing. Training is a theme that we also find in the recent “Mechanics Manifesto for 2023” presented by ANIMA Confindustria and which contains 5 proposals to restart the mechanics sector. Among them we also read the "enhancement and professionalization of the human factor that gives value to our sector".

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