Carrier selected R-454B low global warming potential (GWP) refrigerant as the solution for use in rooftop applications in Europe. With a GWP of 466, improved energy efficiency and reduced refrigerant charge, the overall carbon footprint of R-454B is 80% lower than that of HFC R-410A, the previously used refrigerant.
R-454B, a refrigerant that does not damage the ozone and belongs to the A2L class according to ISO 817, is characterized by a low flammability and offers an improvement in efficiency compared to previous rooftop units used with R-410A. This allows for a reduction in costs, with a potential savings of several thousand euros for end-users over the useful life of a system.
The properties of R-454B allow a 10% reduction in the refrigerant charge compared to R-410A, thus helping to further lower the total environmental impact.
R-454B, on the market under the trade names of Opteon XL41, Solstice 454B, Puron Advance, is a zeotropic blend consisting of 68.9% R32 and 31.1% R-1234yf.
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