CAREL's Multi-Year Sustainability Plan: Driven by the Future

CAREL's Multi-Year Sustainability Plan: Driven by the Future 

  Riccardo Tigani  (General Manager at Linea3C Srl) |  Linkedin Page    23/01/2022

In December 2021, the CAREL Board of Directors approved the main guidelines of the Sustainability Plan. A multi-year path of concrete actions, summarized in the concept Driven by the Future - Sustainability in action, will reflect the idea of ​​the future and the contribution that the company intends to make to the global sustainable development trajectory.


CAREL's commitment to the environment and sustainability was born with the Group in 1973 and, over time, has been pursued through two different but converging routes: On the one hand, maximizing energy efficiency with increasingly smart and interconnected products and, on the other hand, a significant contribution to the transition towards natural refrigerants with low polluting impact. 


With the landing on the Stock Exchange in June 2018, a further study of the issue of sustainability began, enriched with new stimuli and new stakeholders, obviously including minority shareholders and financial market more generally. The plan drawn up in 2021 was defined thanks to this expertise by the ESG team, a multi-level Governance structure consisting of the Control, Risk and Sustainability Committee and a member of the Board of Directors, with the aim of developing the issues sustainability in the Group's medium-long term vision. In the Plan, six Areas of Commitment are identified (Sustainable Strategy and Governance, Environmental Policies, Innovation and Technology, People, Communication and Sustainable Development of Local Communities) through 55 sustainability objectives, in turn divided into specific targets distributed over a time horizon of three years, which will be achieved thanks to the involvement of 13 company departments and an economic commitment of over €2.6M.


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