AREA - Mandatory Certification on Alternative Refrigerants

AREA - Mandatory Certification on Alternative Refrigerants 

  Riccardo Tigani  (General Manager at Linea3C Srl) |  Linkedin Page    28/01/2021

Between 3.5% and 7% of F-Gas certified personnel is also trained on alternative refrigerants. This is one of the main results of an internal survey that AREA has just concluded. Six years after the implementation of the revised regulation on fluorinated gases and at the start of a new revision phase, such a low figure provides clear factual support to AREA's request for mandatory certification on alternatives.


About 345,000 employees in refrigeration, air conditioning and heat pumps (RACHP) are F-Gas certified in the 18 EU countries covered by membership of the AREA. The figure rises to 397,000 with the UK and over 433,000 with Turkey and Norway.


As the gradual reduction scheme and prohibitions under the F-Gas Regulation are gradually pushing HFCs out of the market, the survey also looked at the percentage of F-gas certified personnel trained on alternatives.


The results are low. The formation related to ammonia records the highest number with a good 7%, closely followed by CO2 (6.9%). The HCs get a score of 6.2% and 5.3%, depending on whether the equipment is small or large. Finally, only 3.5% of F-Gas certified personnel are trained on HFOs.


What do these figures tell us? Already in 2012, while the European Commission was working on a gradual reduction of HFCs in the context of the revision of the F-Gas Regulation of 2006, AREA warned of the risk of shortage of contractors trained in the use of low-GWP refrigerants. The combination of low training rates and an insufficient quantitative and, sometimes, qualitative training offer, raises serious doubts on the system's ability to cope with the growing demand for alternatives resulting from the gradual reduction and bans. 

However, to date there is no mandatory certification for the use of alternative refrigerants. Training rates have remained broadly stable while the demand for low-GWP alternatives has substantially increased. The issue is widely recognized and seen as one of the main obstacles to a greater market uptake of alternative refrigerant solutions. As these alternative solutions are becoming available for an increasing number of applications, there is a need for an adequate number of competent and certified technicians to work with the new gases safely.


The solution to the problem? Extend the current mandatory certification scheme for fluorinated gases to alternative low GWP refrigerants. To this end, AREA is preparing concrete proposals, including minimum requirements. 

The ongoing review process is a great opportunity to correct the situation and remove an obstacle to achieving the goals of the F-Gas Regulation.


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