AiCARR: Energy Efficiency and the PNRR

AiCARR: Energy Efficiency and the PNRR 

  Riccardo Tigani  (General Manager at Linea3C Srl) |  Linkedin Page    26/07/2021

Heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems can be an important ally in preventing virus infections. Today, the theme of health is fully flanked by those of energy saving, the environmental impact of air conditioning and comfort. This will be discussed at the 52nd AiCARR International Conference, entitled “HVAC and health, comfort, environment. Technologies and design for the quality of the indoor environment and sustainability", which will be held in Vicenza on September 3-4, 2021.


The Conference will also be an opportunity to deepen the theme of energy efficiency and the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. “A combination to which we look with great interest, but which at the moment is in our opinion too weak. In the Government Plan there is a lot of talk about renewable energy, leaving energy efficiency in the background, while both should have a primary role. We must not forget that energy efficiency and renewables are the keystone of sustainability, if one is missing, the other is weakened, while the union of the two makes their synergistic action multiplying the effect ", said Filippo Busato, President of AiCARR.


There will be discussions about energy transition, a process that has already been underway for years and which should progress rapidly in the short and medium term, the conservation of cultural heritage, which also involves adequate use of plants, the importance of air quality in school environments and mechanical ventilation systems (VMC), today at the forefront in containing the spread of the coronavirus and certainly indispensable in all environments that involve crowding and long residence times.


The Conference can be followed live online and in person, at the Vicenza headquarters of the University of Padua.


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